Register Snow for Windows

Snow for Windows is a shareware program (US$ 10,-). If you like "Snow for Windows" then please register via Kagi, using the  "Register Snow for Windows" program, included in the distribution. After registration you can have more snowflakes and give Rudolf his red nose! (Kagi processes orders and payments for shareware programs.)

The register program is distributed with lots of shareware programs to make it easy to order those programs. You can enter your name and payment info in a few easy dialog windows, resulting in a text you can email directly to Kagi, or save and print first and send it to Kagi by fax or regular mail. When Kagi receives your payment they send you a registration code that you can enter into Snow for Windows. From that moment on you have a registered copy of Snow for Windows. You can then have more snowflakes (up to 500) and give Rudolf his red nose!

Registration is really easy, here are the steps you need to follow to purchase Snow for Windows:

First start the application "Register Snow for Windows" by clicking the icon: 

You then get a dialog window where you can type your address and payment data:

When you press the "Next" button you get the next diaolog window:
Please enter a keyword here, any word(s) you can remember will do.You will need this keyword when you get the registration code back from Kagi. It is also listed in the order you send to Kagi, so keep a copy of the order.

When you press "Next" you get the following:

You can choose to email your order directly, or print it first and then send by fax etc. The resulting text if you order via email looks like:


If you must use fax or postal service, please print or save this form
within the REGISTER dialog, since that will include barcodes which make
it easier for us to process it. Thanks!

Please copy the text of this form into an email message, or fax or mail
this form together with the bar codes, to:

Email: (1 to 3 day processing time delay)
FAX: +1 510 652 6589  (4 to 8 day processing time delay)
Postal address:       (4 to 8 day delay plus transit time to Kagi)
1442-A Walnut Street #392-QNW
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405

Please send any comments about the programs directly to the author,
Rick Jansen, at <> or <>.




Payment-method: Card
Time: G280680136
Register-to: Your Name
Email: youremail@domain
Addr: 123 Yourstreet
Addr: City, State and zip code
Addr: Country
Card-name: Your Name
Data-GK: o o p h c o g j n e d b k h f m i l f m e b h p n g
Product: US$ 10.00 - 1 * Snow for Windows
Keywords: QNWS - mykeyword123
Total: USD 10.00

Your name, address and keyword are in the text, your credit card information is scrambled for safety.

When your order has been processed by Kagi you receive a registration code, you can now register your Snow for Windows. Start Snow for Windows, and open the settings window by clicking the small icon in the task bar at the bottom of your screen: .  Then click the button "Register". You will get the following dialog window:

 Please enter your name, the keyword(s) you supplied to Kagi and the registration code Kagi sends you here, click OK and you're done!

Rick Jansen,